My mom did commit a murder ... I have to be honest about it 
Here are the pictures ...
Caution: graphic pictures ahead! Please, make sure your children are not with you ...

Here are the pictures ...
Caution: graphic pictures ahead! Please, make sure your children are not with you ...

Yep ! in 7 days she managed to kill our chile plant/tree
She didn't water it at all and it didn't resist the apartment's heat ... We grew that chile plant from seeds Chuy brought from Mexico ... It is extremly spicy and he loves it !!! Well there is hope but I don't know if it will be enough ...

For her defense, and I think she needs to hire a professional lawyer here, she said she didn't see it That tree touch the ceiling
and in a small appartment, you can't avoid it
Well, let's be positive ... the goldfish is still alive
Being a couch potatoe can sometimes be more productive than we think !!! Look at my bunny girl:

She's all ready to kiss that boy I'm wondering if she's not too young to start kissing guys?
Wow Chiloe!!!Your bunny is so pretty!!!And you're WIP is in fact a Lanarte!!!
The bunny is so cute!! Great job:)
OMG that poor tree. Good luck to you on bringing it back to life. The one sprout may be just enough to keep it going.
I'm just amazed at your bunny. That is just too cute. I look forward to tomorrow's progress pic.
Reading your blog is so fun. Every morning I wake up and drink a tea while checking blog reader and to see all your progress is just one of the best parts.
I hope the tree makes it, against all odds. I love spicy chiles!!
When my MIL last watched our house, the plants were fine but the fish died. LOL!
Aww, poor tree!
"Go on an' KISS de girl."
Your darling bunny makes me sing Little Mermaid songs.
I'm gonna stick my nose in here. Ignore me and I won't have my feelings hurt. Keep an eye on your chile plant and see if new growth sprouts where the leaves join the stems. If not (and especially if that new shoot starts to look sad) you might want to trim off some of the dead branches. SOMEtimes that will encourage new growth from the lower parts of the branches. This is assuming 1)that it has never gone dormant for you before (some plants just die back like that in the winter, then grow again in the spring) or 2)that it is not an annual or a biennial. An annual will die back after a year or so, a biennial after two no matter what you do...
Good luck. And throw Mama on the mercy of the court.
Oh lala ma pauvre , pas de chance mais je pense que tu vas pouvoir sauver ta plante non ? courage ma belle et ton ti lapin est trognon
EEEK!!! :-O It looks like your chile plant didn't stand a chance. Poor chile plant... ;-) Thanks for wandering over to my blog. I must agree with the other readers and say that I like your blog. And the bunnies are going to look SO CUTE!!! ;-) Happy stitchy!
Oh Chiloe!! Your poor chile plant! I'm sure you can revive it. I think you can do anything. :) Now your chile plant looks like it belongs at my house... my husband says I have the wporld's largest plant cemetary out behind the garage. That's where all my dead potted plants end up, waiting for me to reuse the pots. It's such a sad scene...
Your stitching is amazing and your blog is so much fun! Thanks for visiting mine... you are entered in my contest! :)
pauvre plante !!
et bien,tu as drolement bien avancé ta lapine ! bon, j'avoue, j'avance bien mes ouvrages ces temps ci aussi.. à voir bientôt...
Awww your poor plant! When I got back to work after the Christmas holidays a few of my plants were looking a little wilted but I think these can be saved. I'll cross my figners for your Chili plant!
Your bunny is adorable!
Poor tree :(
Your bunny is too adorable. Make sure you talk to her about the birds and the bees before she starts kissing boys.
poor chile tree..but,is a natural cicle,, the plant of chile could be live almost 1 or 2 years maximun,and the, suffer deshidratation and,,is over,you must to plant the seeds in small cup,and when you look 3 leaf transplant to a bigger pot. (expert declaration :D tell to the court)
your bunny is so cute!
lol yep definitely looks too young, but then bunnies start young so they say and if you dont hurry up and finish it you could be stitching a load more bunnies.
Oh your poor poor plant, maybe if you go away again you should get your mum some strong glasses before you go lol.
Poor plant. I do hope there is some hope for it.
Love your little girl bunny. She is so cute:)
Poor, poor tree. I hope your mother gets some good legal advice. LOL Bunny girl looks adorable.
As for my pants... The ones I had on yesterday weren't made for belt which is why I was using a safety pin. LOL
jajaja pobre arbol! a mi me encanta el ají (chile) espero puedan resucitarlo.
Que rápido terminaste la conejita! Y estoy de acuerdo contigo, definitivamente muy joven para estar besando chicos ;)
That poor chile plant! I hope for it's sake and your DH that it makes it. Your bunny girl is just so adorable. Great job!
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