Yes, thank you very much for your nice and sweet comments. It makes me feel special
Really ! It's still incredible to me that my blog can really interest you
but I like to share my life (and my ups and downs ...
) with you !!! I especially like to read blogs so that I can know you
Whenever I have time I like to comment on your blogs and I love seeing your progress: it is so inspiring to me, makes life lighter and gives me more ideas
(stash, stash, stash ...

This afternoon, Chuy called me from work and told me: outside it's sunny! Let's go out and check that craft store (like a small Michael's) you wanted to check last time (it was closed when Esteban had his hospital appointment) So I gave in and we went there (Chuy went to another store to let me enjoy the moment - and avoid the boredom of a craft store
) Well, what a disapoitment: everything was horribly expensive: a Dimension kit costs 90 euros
I just bought some stickers for an exchange I'm doing and left unhappy
I miss so much my Michael's and my Hobby Lobby and their great sales
I'm so grateful for ebay and the internet 

Here is my WIP picture of the day:
Nope: no one over one yesterday
But I stitched some green and gold
and yes, I avoided again the central part of the dress
We'll see what I'll stitch tonight ...
I'm sorry to hear that your craft shopping wasn't very much fun. I almost all my craft shopping on the internet now.
LOL...I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who avoids sections of a pattern. I have a big purple section in my current pattern that I've been staying away from. :)
I enjoy reading your blog Chiloe, thank you for taking the time to write it.
Sorry the craft shop was not much fun. That must have been a real disappointment.
Sorry you didn't enjoy the craft shop. Your WIP is looking nice. It'll be pretty when done.
I love reading your blog and looking at your beautiful stitching! You have always something pretty going on. I'm sorry to hear that the craftshop dissapointed you but I must tell you that I have visited craft shop only few times in my life. Here just doesn't exist any shops. Our fabric store nearby town quit too so here ain't nothing. Your project is progressing great and it looks adorable.
je comprends le choc des boutiques de broderie francaises... J'en ai a chaque fois que je fais la tournee des boutiques a Lille ! Tant de belles choses, mais si cheres !!!
Ya pas, faut faire cette plage de couleur.En general, moi ce que je fais c'est que j'en fais un petit bout a la fois entre deux autres couleurs. Ca passe mieux !
Courage, ce sera tres beau a la fin !
Your lovely girl in red is looking wonderful!!
Sorry the craft store, must have been a real disappointment. i only use the online stores to buy kits, and other stash,,because the store in Madrid the kits are more expensive than the online. But the other stash,like ribbons,etc,,i buy this last in a store named:"el corte Inglés" :D.
your red girl look very pretty, even without the center parto of the drees ;D
90 euros por un kit!!!!! que robo!!!
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